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Quality, Environment and Safety

Quality, Environment, Safety DIN EN ISO 9001 ff, SQAS Report No: 60836
Quality of service is the top priority at dls!

Naturally dls transports the goods entrusted to us with maximum quality, an environmentally friendly manner and meeting the constantly growing official security requirements.

Hygiene and safety of your goods are a matter of course for us. We have implemented the HACCP concept of food industry for all refrigerated transports as well as the requirements of the pharmaceutical industry  according to the GDP directives German version.

You will find our certificates and the quality and environmental policy in our Downloadcenter.

Our certificates
Our certificates
Our certificates
Our certificates
Our certificates
Our certificates

We are en route all the way from the Algarve to the Ural

From our locations in Germany, Poland, Russia and Belarus we always find the best transport route for your goods.
